EDT 598

Twitter and Learner Control -Chp.13.docx Twitter and Learner Control -Chp.13.docx
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Categories of Major Uses for Twitter.docx Categories of Major Uses for Twitter.docx
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Type : docx

Interested in Statistics? How about a an interactive experience that makes learning easy? Come see "Statistics: The Virtual Tour". Now playing near you. 

Reseacher Correspondence

Good evening, my name is Matthew Mooney, and I am in a graduate course at Central Connecticut State University on research in educational technology. One of the articles we were asked to look at was "Learning from WebQuests". I just have a couple questions concerning the article and the findings you published. First, do you believe your results might have differed drastically had you chosen other disciplines besides Geology and History? Why was it you ultimately chose those? Secondly, I noticed you used an ANOVA test to look at your results. Did you also consider using a Matched Pairs T-Test? Thanks for your time.

Matthew Mooney


This is my snapshot of my experience with Second Life. I had a very difficult time navigating the site. I'm not sure if it was on the fritz while I used it, but I had a very difficult time using the World Map and finding my way around. On top of that I couldn't find anyone to interact with. I had to fly around and I found myself lost over the water most of the time. If there was an online class offered here, I could see myself getting used to it, but I like the system we currently use. 

Week 7 Response.docx Week 7 Response.docx
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Type : docx
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